May 1, 2008

Rhetorical Analysis - Anti-Smoking Ad

Pathos - There is a sarcastic emtional appeal to this anti-smoking ad. It is techniqually defending the right for people to make their own choices and to be able to make their own decisions without other tryng to tell them, "no you can't do that," or, "no that's not allowed." When looking at the meaning of the words, it is making fun of people who rant and rave about how it's their personal right to smoke or not.

Ethos - The believibility of this ad is very true on two levels: People do have the right to smoke, and they also have the choice in inhail toxic gases that make them cough up black phlegm that is the side affect from poisening youself with tar, nicotine, and rat poisen.

Logos - It is making fun the people who smoke and don't like anti-smoking ads because it infringes on their rights as they claim. So by saying exactly what the smokers are saying except on a more negative slant, the anti-smoking ad is making the smokers look absurd.